Insecure on the Plane

So I have been born and raised in the south (Kentucky, in Louisville which is a very progressive city compared to other places) but now I have moved to the coty of San Jose, CA! I'm so excited but nervous... I'm a Muslim and I'm not extreme or radical or want to hurt people (seriously I cannot fathom hatred and discrimination of any kind to anyone. I can't understand any of that negativity or it's reasoning. Peace is for the best for all and coexisiting is part of the American way) but I wear the hijab. I'm worried about going on the plane (I hate heights anyway but with the added stress I'm sure you can imagine I'm under it is worse). 
Also, how can I balance my Islamic life with American culture so I don't become a bother or a hinderence or paint my self ir my people negatively?
I'm not a convert but I want to know because I am starting to learn more slowly about Islam and want to do the right thing, while still holding onto my deep love for America and the Constitution. 
Anon because... well I'm sure to get hate...