Omg ladies...

I just started back on the mini pill a week ago and heard conflicting things about when it was okay to have sex without a backup birth control like condoms. Hubby and I hate condoms and most things I read said 48 hours so we had had sex on the 6th day...I never had my period before I started the pill...the afternoon of the day we had sex (in the morning), I felt like I had ovulation pain!😣 Then we had sex again the next day no condom because I didn't want to tell him to wear one the second time and freak him out about the first! This would be an absolutely horrible time to be pregnant!!! My little man is 9 weeks old and we are really trying to save up money to buy some land and build our dream home...Also I had a complicated pregnancy and was in bed rest the whole third trimester....BUT part of me really wants to be pregnant again and have that first moment with a new baby again...Also my husband said no more kids because he was so worried with all my complications so this would be a way to get my one more kid and then be done lol! I'm a crazy person! 😂😂