Breakup Advice???

Ladies I need some help... 
I was with my ex for 3 years. We ended up having two sons together and honestly he was the first guy I ever really loved. I put up with a lot just so he could be happy even if it hurt me... anyway around Thanksgiving, he told me he didn't want a family life anymore. He said the kids and I could stay until I found a safe place to go. So when I got my income tax money, I bought a mobile home/trailer, fixed it up a tad and moved out. Now all of a sudden, he's been sending me the good morning beautiful texts again, inviting me to our old house for dinner, randomly popping up at my house, asking me to stay the night with him, and I don't, but I don't know how to tell him to please stop all of that... I hate being mean and hurting people's feelings but I already moved out, I accepted what he said around thanksgiving and moved like he wanted. I just want to be civil parents for our sons and that's all. But I'm afraid to tell him to please stop all this sweet stuff because he's the type that blows up when he doesn't get his way. I'm afraid to even have one of my old guy friends paint the hallway here (it needs it in a bad way) because he randomly pops up without telling me and all hell would break loose even tho he's the one that said he didn't want me! I just don't know what to do I never thought I'd say this but I wish he would leave me alone as far as trying to flirt or date again or whatever he's doing and only talk to me when it concerns our kids.