Relationship Advice

Amanda • “Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” 🦋
I've been dating a guy on and off since my freshman year of high school, and his sophomore year. We've always been on and off. We both lost our virginites together and done a lot together as going out to places, experiencing new things. I do love him and care a lot for him! But we used to fight so much and we've caused so many issues in our relationship, me not being allowed over his house and him not being over mine anymore. It's because when we were younger, we just go to our parents and just tell them everything that was happening and every fight. So our parents began to not like our relationship, quick. I begged my parents let him over one more time, and let me go out with him please please. And he and I just kept messing up our relationship. And we try so hard to make it right with us because we look for another person and not even move on, just live our lives without each other and it's hard for us. We just go back with each other and it's easy for us, because we love each other and care for each other, a lot. And I do want our families to look one another, but I know you can't change someone. We are together right now. And we can't see each other, only in school for right now and texting. Have anyone of you been in this before? Any advice?