bright RED an PINK blood

Okay so in my first trimester I had bleeding every month at the end of my month like a period but it would be like a cup to 2 cups of blood a hour so my doctor said if it happens again in the second trimester go to the hospital because it's not right- last night my boyfriend an I had sex, after he helped me rub my pussy to cum, when came; it felt weird isntide me; it didn't hurt.. the I stood up An felt all this wetness an I thkught it was from fooling around but I get to the bathroom an blood
Is pouring out! There was another time I had came, AN then started bleeding heavy after; I didn't go to the doctor because it has slowed down an no pain; but has this happened to
Anyone? Or does anyone know
Why? Should I
Still go to the hospital? I'm 19wks & 4 days;