HPV and Genital Warts

Brittania • Plant and Soil Scientist 🌱
Let's get down to business...
No ladies, not that kind of business. 
That would be the kind of unprotected business that got us into this conversation in the first place. 
Picture this, you have had one too many unprotected partners and things are not quite right with the lady downstairs. You two haven't been communicating well lately so you decide to see a doctor to sort out your differences. She takes a few tests, and you're stuck waiting for the results. 
Fast forward to that fateful phone call. Your OBGYN tells you that you two need two discuss your test results. 
Alright, so like the big girl you are you listen to the news the doctor has and it is less than desirable. That yummy partner you just couldn't resist long enough to slide a rubber on for gave your lady a big ol' present wrapped up in HPV. 
Well if you are still reading this, you are obviously not alone. This virus has been described to me as the "common cold" and if you don't have it you're "not a cool kid". All facetious comments to try and break the bad news but still a complete bummer nonetheless. 
So if you are also the unfortunate that had a beautiful genital warts bow on top of the HPV gift wrapping.... there is a silver lining to this I promise. 
Ha I sound like an info-mercial. Anywho...
Apple cider vinegar with the mother. 
Please keep reading. 
Soak a pad with ACV, one of those big cotton diaper pads they hand out in health class day one. You know what I'm talking about. 
Pour the ACV over your sink because it will spill. 
Wring out the excess. 
Then place the apple cider vinegar soaked pad into your favorite back of the drawer, period panties and wear them for thirty minutes. 
I'm not kidding. Go watch a Netflix episode. 
And go longer if it does not start to irritate you.
Do this AT LEAST twice a day for all of you working ladies. If you are a stay at home kind of lady, morning noon and night are best. 
Once you do this every day for two weeks- three if your warts are severe (and make sure you won't start your period because then it'll just be a huge mess so check your calendar, this is what <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> is for, and plan accordingly) then you should see your warts drying up and falling off. Trust me it'll both elate and freak you out.