7 hour labor! Craziness!
I woke up at 2am with cramping that was coming in intervals so I started timing them, 7 minutes apart. Okay not bad so I was gonna try to get some sleep. Yeah that didn't happen! I couldn't lay down during the contractions because they would hurt more. So I walked around, took a shower. Thought "I can't do this natural!"
Around 4:30am I woke up my husband and called my midwife because they were then 5-6 minutes apart and getting a little bit stronger. She and I decided we would give it an hour and then see how I was. 5:30 comes around and no change so I told her well I will get everything ready and then come in because I could still talk through my contractions.
7am rolls around and we are about to get ready to go to the birth center. I had a decently strong contraction because I was laying down. Mind you they are still 5-6 minutes a part at this point. In the middle of the contraction my water breaks and my husband and I looked at each other and said "Time to go!" Well we get in the car at 7:15am and my contractions went from 5-6 minutes apart to 2-3 minutes apart!!! We hit some traffic on the way but I was able to breath through my contractions just fine.
We get to the hospital and in the elevator a woman who works for the hospital called for a wheel chair (thank the lord!) And the guy comes ready to wheel me he asks how far apart, I hold up 3 fingers and he starts running 😂😂
Get into L&D and I'm 8cm!!!! My midwife was hurrying to get to me but she hit traffic. I get into my room and I was ready to push! The nurses kept telling me don't push! And getting me through it. I made it known I didn't like the OB on call. I wanted my water birth and I couldn't have it without a midwife. I was at 9cm within about 7 minutes of getting into the room! At this point I was scared because I didn't have time to mentally prepare myself for the pain of transition! My nurse got me through it though with me on all fours, butt in the air because that was the ONLY way I was gonna hold this child in. I begged them to let me in the tub and they couldn't. But they did fill my tub so I could get in when my midwife got there. My lovely nurse (though at the time I wanted to punch her because 1. She told me not to push and 2. Said I couldn't get in the tub) started to massage my back and I thought I told her politely to stop but I'm sure it came out much more harsh lol the nurses are asking my husband questions that he doesn't know about and I started to answer them between contractions and the nurse at my side would yell out for me 😂
They kept me up to date on how close my midwife was, even when she was in the parking garage. She comes running (yes running) into the room. When my contraction ended you best bed I got my happy ass in that tub!!! As soon as I was in I couldn't feel my contractions at all! It was crazy! I asked if she would check me to make sure and she said "Nope! Go when you want" and man my body did want! Baby girl kept going down and then up. The ring of fire definitely had me scared. And I was pretty much groaning/painful yelling "ow!" When I was pushing with my contractions. But 5 pushes later out she came!
Esme Harper Deanne Lowe made her arrival via all natural waterbirth at 9:23AM on 3-28-2017
She is 8lbs 4 oz and 20 1/2 inches long!
7 1/2 hours of labor from start to end! Little girl did NOT want to wait! But we are over the moon! And she is breast feeding like a champ!
For all mom's that want to do natural that get laughed at, especially FTM or young mom's, you CAN do it!!! You have to want it and yes it hurts but as soon as the baby is out, all the pain is gone!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.