Teenagers struggling with Depression!

I know that feeling. When you wake up in the morning and feel like you can't go on, like you can't move past the roughest breakup or the worst fight with your best friend. When you feel completely alone when all you may or may not need is a shoulder to cry on. I know how it feels to need to confide in your parents but being too afraid to do it. I know what it feels like to know that if you dont get help you may not be able to keep going. I also know what it feels like to step over those lines, but not make it all the way. I also sit here in my bedroom listening to the man I get to call my husband in a few weeks talk to our newborn in funny voices. I want you to know that even though today is the worst and it appears it's never going to get better, it sure does. I want you to know that even if your parents, best friend, a trusted adult seem like they don't care whether you're here or not. If you weren't tomorrow; they would miss you and they would hurt for a long time. I want you to know that their are so many options available for you to get the help you need. I want you to know that happiness can be found for everyone. More importantly I want you to fight the depression, fight it every single day and make it a choice when you wake up. I promise that it will be worth it because someday you'll look at your life and can't believe there was a time you wanted to end it.

If you need help please reach out to your parents, to a friend, to a trusted adult. Or please call the national suicide line 1-800-273-8255