advice please 😔

Hey ladies, I just need some comfort and/or advice right now. I have just recently stopped taking my antidepressants and anxiety medication because I felt like I was in a really good place and no longer needed it. I have been on and off them for about 4 years! I've been with my partner for nearly 2 years and I finally feel I'm with the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, which has helped me get to such a good, happy place. 
However the last week and a bit I haven't been on the medication, my feelings towards him have changed, and this makes me so scared. I can't stand him at the moment, I don't want to touch him or anything like that, and we seem to be fighting over things that are so ridiculous. I always thought I wanted to marry this person and have babies or whatever but now I don't know. My mood swings are insane, I can't stop crying and I just want to give up with everything. (Not meaning I want to end my life) I feel like I don't have anyone to talk to, which is why I'm writing this. If anyone has been in this situation, I'd really appreciate the advice/help! 💕 and yes I have been to see a doctor and a counsellor and they always tell me to stay on the meds, which isn't what I want. I would like to enjoy my life without these things.