I know, I know, but... teething??

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

Yeah, I know it's early (9.5 weeks) and not likely but my mom told me to feel my daughter's gums today bc of the low temp she's had since yesterday afternoon (holding steady at 99.3) and to my surprise I did feel a hard spot.. it's a little swollen too. It's not her front teeth though.. it's the "fang" tooth! I don't expect it to poke through anytime soon, things could just be moving around under the surface and I know teething can be a very long drawn out process.

We see our ped for something unrelated on Friday and I will definitely ask about it but.. anyone else have a possibly early teether?