I'm so embarrassed lol

So tonight while working on a group English paper (and the massive pile of other work I have to do) I decided to make it a little more bearable by sipping on a bottle of wine. 
Well, my boyfriend and I were texting back and forth while I was talking to one of the girls in my group and I got the conversations switched around on my computer. 
So I ended up sending "then no bj" to this girl I don't know all that well instead of my boyfriend and I almost died when I realized it haha. I played it off by saying "oops wrong text lol, that was supposed to go to my friend bj" as if I'd been saying "then no, bj" but I don't know how believable that is and now I'm super embarrassed. Like, do any guys actually go by the initials BJ? Lmao
Long story short, sometimes wine and texting do not mix 😅😝