Trying not to freak out...

I'm trying to stay calm, but I started my period on Feb 28 last month. I had a stillborn in October and my period has been like clock work each month...usually starts the 28th of each month or a day or so before. A lot of times I'll get a moist feeling in my genitals about a day before my period starts or I'll wind up wearing a pad because I feel like I'm about to start. I haven't had that feeling this month and today is the 30th and I haven't started my period. The only symptoms I've had of PMS is extreme irritability, hunger and sore breasts. 
I haven't been on BC because it's always made me extremely crabby, so my husband and I have been using the pull out method. He decided to ejaculate in me the 8th day of my cycle--I think about the same time I got pregnant the first time. I'm trying not to freak out, but I'm scared to death I'm pregnant. I'm not ready to be pregnant again. I'm trying to hold off until Friday to buy a pregnancy test. Thoughts? 😳