Odds of early labor?

Katie • Could not be more excited for baby June coming April 27th 2017!
I'm a FTM and right at 36 weeks. During my appointment yesterday when the doctor was feeling the baby she noted that she had dropped already. She said that wasn't too big of a deal but she was really far down there and went to check if she was moveable and said she was pretty "planted" and she couldn't move her up at all. Because of this (and the fact that I've been having very frequent uti's/kidney infections my whole pregnancy) she wanted to wait to do my pelvic exam because she didn't want to set me into labor. My next appointment was suppose to be in two weeks but she moved it to next week so we could do an ultrasound to see how big she is and do a pelvic exam at that time. What do you think the odds are that I'll go early? Starting to get pretty uncomfortable and going a week or two early doesn't sound like the worst thing to me (as long as she's ready!) But we also still have so much to do! If it matters at all I've stayed very active my pregnancy, I live on an acreage and up to date I continue to do chores (mucking stalls, feeding horses, cleaning chicken coops, very slow riding on my old steady eddy horse). Physically other than utis and kidney infections have had no physical problems other than back pain that started as soon as she dropped haha.