Do you get support during ttc ? 😥😣

Does your family and friends support you in your journey ttc ? I mean with all the opk testing, trying spermfriendly lube, taking supplements / meds, tweaking pregnancy tests becouse you so badly want to see that second line !

I was talking to my best friend today and telling her i was sad and confused with all the opk testing and sharing my worries when she started yelling at me on the phone.. telling me i was obsessed, going crazy and that she was concerned for me since i'm "going crazy" ttc.. she was yelling you need to stop this right now, you are obviously not going to get pregnant when you dont think about anything else and enjoy the child you have !! (I have a 2 year old that took 14 months to conseive and we are ttc baby #2) i'm so mad becouse i have pcos so this doesnt come easy to me 😔

I am 25 pounds overweight and trying to lose the weight like my doctor suggested, but my best friend kept yelling at me saying i'm not even doing what the doctor told me to do (becouse i couldnt go to the gym with her today due to my anxiety) and now i'm left so mad and frusteraded that nobody truly understands the struggle and thinks i'm crazy !!