About Me, Kristina:

I'm Kristina I'm 21 and a half years old and I am in college right now. Gonna graduate with an AA in Sociology and certificate in General Ed this May, then transfer to a four year university, get my bachelors in Human Development, then possibly a Masters in Psychology. All this so I can one day be an Animal Assisted, specifically Equine Assisted, Therapist. It's therapy for people facilitated by animals. 
The love of my life that I have been close friends with for eight years recently told me that he is going to marry me when I finished school. And I know he means it. Because of the tons of guys who for some reason have asked me out over the course of my life, he is the only one who I said "yes" to and the only one I feel attracted to. Love is not just a feeling. Love is a choice you make everyday. A lifestyle that you adopt. You're there for each other in the good times and the bad, and you accept each other for who you both are while trying to encourage self-betterment at the same time. He said he has always wanted to marry me, knew right away eight years ago that he would, and I knew too, and so far that hasn't changed. He just recently vocalized what we both had been thinking all along. And a couple weeks ago, we gave ourselves to each other for the first time. It was amazing, and bonded us even further. It is nice to have your best friend also be your lover. And he loves me for ME, not just my body, he never does anything to me without my permission. And he is sooo kind and smart and caring. I love my partner-soon-to-be husband. He is amazing.
Oh. And as for why I am using <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> now, it's because I just started having my period again after not having one for over half a year when I stopped taking birth control pills to regulate my mentraul cycle only. I had taken them since starting my period in 6th grade, since I was extremely irregular. But now that I have a "natural" normal period again, it is even more irregualr than before and I needed some way to track it. So....I downloaded this App.