Am I crazy or is she?

I went to my first obgyn appointment a few days ago. I waited TWO HOURS in the waiting room with only ONE PERSON infront of me the whole time -.- Once I got into the little patient room I then again sat in there for and HOUR. The doctor finally comes in and says oh well when you went to the hospital and got your levels done your levels were only 200 which is pretty low. So I want you to go get blood work to retest your levels. And if the double then were on the right track and if it only goes up by a few or drops then there's no baby or it has failed. I seriously was in an out of the room in two minutes after waiting for theee hours?! So I got get the blood work done she calls the next day when I'm at work. She leaves a message saying "Hi Courtney, your test results came in and the results are the test is positive, once again the test is positive. If you have any ther questions or concerns please call me back at the office." Uhm what? Yea I do have a question why didn't you tell me if they rose or didn't and what the numbers were. I knew I was pregnant so why are you saying it's positive?! I NEED TO KNOW THE NUMBERS-.-  So I call back and the guy says oh she's not in today..? I go uhm yes she is in she just called me?! He goes oh let me see.. an goes oh she's in the other office but she's with a patient I'll leave her a message for you.. The next day comes no call.. So I call back AGAIN.  An yet I am told she isn't in today I'll leave you a message. Next day goes NOTHING. So I call back AGAIN this time I am furious on the phone! An am told oh she's not in today so I say OKAY GIVE ME THE NURSE THAN CAN SHE TELL ME THE RESULTS?! So he transfers me to the nurse and she goes oh your doctor is in and FINALLY SHE COMES TO THE LINE. Oh hi Courtney did you get my message?! And I said uhm yea you forgot to state if the results went up or down. She goes oh uhm well I don't have your chart but I think they were in the thousands or something. And I say oh so that's good?! And she goes yep so I ask her if I need to make another appointment and she goes "well if your really keeping the baby then I suppose you should." WHAT DO YOU MEAN IF IM REALLY KEEPING MY BABY?!? THATS THE LAST TIME ILL BE SEEING HER?! Am I over reacting or does this sound ridiculous?!