I think I might be starting labor...?

Lauren • Currently pregnant with baby #2!!
If this is false... this will be the second time in two weeks! Okay so about 2 hours ago I had (very great!) sex with my husband. Well I go to the bathroom after. I stand up and go to flush and cough (I just got over a cold and the cough is lingering a lot) and boom... not very much but I definitely leaked something! I had just peed. And trust me it was enough to be like uh... is that my water?! I still have no idea. But now I'm having contractions that start in my lower back and move to my abdomen. I can't tell if it might be something or if it's just from the sex. It feels almost exactly the same as my first false labor but it's been longer and they are stronger than last time. I haven't been timing long enough to establish a pattern. And they suck pretty bad but I think I could walk through them okay. Please... distract me! I'm going crazy!