Weight loss, Hypothyroidism, and Pregnancy

I went to the Gyno about 2 years ago and wanted to talk fertility. The doctor I saw told me flat out that I was overly obese and he wouldn't talk fertility with me until I lost weight. I have Hypothyroidosm and it makes it very hard to lose weight. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago due to my depression being at an all time high and gaining weight fast. I weighed 299 when they caught it. I am now down to 280 and my family doctor has said that my thyroid levels are finally where they need to be. He said he will put me in Clomid in a few months when I get my weight where I want to be pre-pregnancy. My husband and I have been married for 4 years with no luck. Anyone have any advice on how to lose weight fast while still being healthy? Any advice on conceiving when it's been so long? We have 18 nieces and nephews on his side, (new neice born a week ago today and another sister in law announcing Tuesday that she is expecting again when her youngest is only 5 months old). Really starting to get stressed and upset about it.