"marking" the baby.

So apparently it's an old wives tale that of you get hurt when you're pregnant the baby will be born with a birth mark in the same place. I've heard of this all my life but Is there any truth to this or is it just an old wives tale? I burnt my hand today getting a lasagna out of the oven and my mom told me I had probably marked the baby. 
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No injury during pregnancy and my son came out with a red birthmark on his face. When he's mad or upset it gets darker lol I always say his wife will always know when he's hiding anything lol


Posted at
Wasn't true for me, I got electrocuted when I was pregnant  My daughter did get a strange birthmark, it's on her cheek and a white one on her booty


Melyssa • Apr 1, 2017
I know! I love it. The white one on her booty looks like a perfect A


Elizabeth • Apr 1, 2017
The one on her cheek looks like a fox! She's so cute!


Posted at
Not true. My last pregnancy I dropped my damn laptop on my foot I still have the bruise and she doesn't have anything. I also had this awful allergic reaction to a wasp sting (she made me allergic to bees/wasps, isn't that fun?) the mark lasted over a month and she doesn't have anything. Not sure how many other injuries I got but those are the ones that stand out. 


Posted at
I broke my elbow and had to have surgery at 24 wks...but my baby was born with no marks. Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me.