I "NEED HELP "with breastfeeding PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE

amy • 2 kids,1 angel baby,#3 on the way married 11 years
I can't get him to latch on right nd I feel I'm not producing enough milk he cry's every time he feeds I started to pump thinking that will help it helped a little. I went nd got formula he doesn't like it he won't take it nd plus I don't want to stop breastfeeding I just don't know what to do its making me want to cry cause I want to breastfeed him so bad I know it's way better then formula. I breastfed my daughter it was easy with her no problems with latching or milk supply with him it's just so hard my husband nd I argue cause he feels I'm not feeding him enough idk what to do. please if you have any advice comment I could use it.