whennn??? 😩

When will I be confident enough ??? Can any of you relate? 😔please be nice I'm so sad right now ...
  I know you hate posts like these , where a girl feels ugly and then she posts her best picture and everyone is like omg you're so pretty!🙄 Well... I don't necessary need that attention! I just want to be heard and understood for once! 
My bf takes pictures of beautiful girls, (and landscape too) sometimes I encourage him to take more cause he haven't lately, but some days I'm like "omg , what if he finds a super cute girl with the perfect body and he starts to like her more than me?" But then that little comforting voice in my head says " pshh he loves you and only you, he even tells you in your face how lucky he is to have you, and that you two make a good fit" and it's true!! 
Thank God I don't have the "cheating" problem with this one, so that's the last thing I would worry about to be honest...lol 
He's 30 I'm 28 he sees me in his future and so do I...  
 But... why do I feel this way? I don't want to be a model or to look like them, or... do I secretly deep deep inside me .. I do?  😕 
I'm like in love with myself, I treat my body good, I'm healthy, I like my body... 
Am I going crazy? 😞Â