surely this isn't normal??

Hi guys. I've got a doctors appointment in a few Days to go over this but I thought I'd ask for some opinions to stop myself freaking out! For the last I'd say 5-6 months, I've been bleeding in between periods (after sex) and in my mind I know it's not normal but I've kind of pushed it to the side and carried on with it. This last few weeks I've been bleeding nonstop. I had sex with my partner after I'd stopped my 'normal period ' and ever since I've bled. My back hurts and I feel like I'm cramping but it isn't the same as a regular menstrual cramp. I'm worried about cervical cancer. Like really worried. I'm 24 and haven't had a smear yet (I'm in the uk and we don't get offered them til age 25). I have two young children and I obviously don't want to die! Has anyone had similar experiences? What did it turn out to be?  Sorry for the essay, I just could do with a friendly chat! Xx