Vbac, c sections, experiences with multiple c sections and vbac


First, has anyone had a successful vbac after having a c section due to not progressing ( I know that is not ideal for a vbac candidate). My son was face up and swollen to 9lbs. He wasn't an emergency c section and he never got distressed. He just couldnt get any further down and i had intense pelvic pain because he was trying so hard to engage. So i believe i would know if that happened with any others. Did that happen with anyone else?

Has anyone had a c section when they were overweight then had a successful vbac after a major weightloss?


Has anyone with c sections had mild headaches and backaches after their csections and spinal taps? Did it get worse after you had another c section & spinal tap?

I also was wondering if anyone had any bad experiences with multi c sections.

*My husband and I are just trying to go over everything/all possibilities so we can make an educated decision on what I do after our next baby. Plus I am curious ❤