what to do-skid marks

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi
So I've been doing my husbands laundry for a while (we have a single laundry basket I usually do laundry because his days off from work are filled with classes, where my days off are just days off. He does laundry a lot when he has the time), but they either weren't there or I didn't notice... but he has MAJOR skid marks on his underwear.
For some reason as long as I remember I've been SUPER embarrassed about poop stuff. Unless it's a medical reason (like when I had blood in my stool) I find it impossible to talk about it because I get too embarrassed. I was even pretty embarrassed when I had to talk about it in that medical sense.
What should I do? We've talked about teaching our future kids to wipe, and it seems like he knows proper bathroom hygiene. He's usually very clean, showers every day, etc. Is it inescapable?