Advice? New to TTC and Feeling Nervous

Hi! Thank you to anyone who reads this and offers advice ❤
My husband and I began TTC this cycle and some interesting things have happened ...
- 10 dpo today
- AF due on Wed, 4/5
- After we BD'ed, I got a yeast infection a day or so after [beginning 1dpo/2dpo] 
- Other days, I have felt bloated and had really bad cramping. I've been nauseous on and off.
Yesterday, my BBT dropped and I began bleeding. It was light and pink for the first time but has continued into today and has only gotten heavier [even deep red with clumps - sorry TMI] I'm also having some pinching cramps on my left side ...
I've taken 2 tests: yesterday I saw a faint line and today I didn't really see anything. 
I normally get my periods late or on time -- so 5 days EARLY has been alarming. I'm super cranky, crampy and confused. Just unsure of what has happened and how to continue next month [ex: IS this my period and if so, should I chart that so I can keep up with my fertile days in April?! OR is there a chance I could be pregnant ... or am I just being naive and hopeful?]
Charts posted for anyone willing to help!