MEN!!! 👹👹👹👹

So...obviously this was not my month to get my BFP since im on cycle day 2 goin into CD 3...a few months back while i was menstrating and of all days for this to happen it was on my heaviest day when i used the bathroom only to finish and as im pulling my pants back up my fiancé busted into the bathroom before i could flush...well he saw the toilet bowl and ran to the other bathroom and yacked his lunch from earlier that day up. Now most men would learn their lesson to let the bathroom be the most private area during the few days of menstrating to avoid seeing what is not normal. Now any other time of the month i dont care if he busts into the bathroom bc i literally run to the bathroom as soon as i get home for "mommy quiet time" and he'll come tell me hey and give me a kiss and we talk ab our day.....some times...but y for the love of god does he get sick and continue to come in while im trying to change tampons and pads...and when i tell him what im doin an that he dont want to see it's like it dont phase seriously dude ur weird and confusing and im the type of person that will show all of my business just to be an asshole and teach him a lesson to let me have that private's pretty annoying and ill never understand y he does that