Hi everyone

Sasha • I'm 25, and Married. Pregnant with our princess 💕🎀👑👶🏼
I'm Sasha I'm 23. I got this app to help track my period and ovulation days. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS and my husband and I have been ttc for baby #1 ever since. Last year I suffered a miscarriage of twins 😭but all the docs told me to do was loose weight to see if my monthlys started regulating by itself, and in order to get help from them. Glad to say I've lost 21lb, feeling a lot healthier; however my periods still aren't regular enough. I only have 1lb to go to until I can go back to my gp and start treatment! Really hoping for a rainbow baby this year! 🌈👶🏻❤️