is it okay to not want to go

My bf has been begging me to go to a date function. My life has been so crazy busy between school work family stuff I just can't even think about it. My confidence is so low and I just want to focus on what is currently on my plate. Everything else I have going on is so stressful. I have anxiety so going out in a social scene is hard and now even more than ever with stress. Along with worrying about how I look, all his friends are so nosey about my life and ask me a million questions. My bf also wasn't planning on me going so we would be in a room with his friend-I just don't feel comfortable with that at all. On top of this all people will be drinking (all will be so drunk) and I just don't want to be around people like that even if I don't drink. On the other hand my bf is giving me such a guilt trip and says he won't go if I don't , won't have fun ect  I'm so conflicted! I even said he can bring a girl friend (obviously wouldn't stay same room). He said he wouldn't (just being stubborn. Lol) what do I do? I'm sure it will be fun but it's one thing theirs always other stuff to go to? Maybe now isn't the time?