Breakup? 😔

I just need to vent for a bit. I was on the phone with my boyfriend last night, got into an argument, nothing big. The problem is that we both can get very defensive at times. Anyway, we were supposed to hang out and ended up doing nothing. Then he texts me "Let's take a break". 
But idk, for me that's just crap so just say "breakup" and cut the bullshit. So I told him that and he said "ok". Anyway, I was dressed so I said "let's do this the right way." Now I'm heading to meet him. And though honestly I think it's a stupid thing (and my period isn't helping).. idk, maybe we should breakup? I mean if we can't even handle small things we definitely wouldn't make it through the worst. However, I do feel I love him. Crazily.  I really want to cry but I'm trying to hold it.  At least til it's over. For now I just needed to release what I'm feeling. I'd appreciate any advice..