Am I being emotionally manipulated?

I have been married for a little over two years and my parents in law live with us (cultural). My relationship with them is lukewarm. My husband has very long work hours and we barely get to see each other for an hour each night. We are home during weekends. But he plays in a league in summers, so he is pretty much gone all day during weekends in summers too. Naturally, I miss spending time with him and thus intentionally make the effort to make myself available when he is home. So far I am always home when he is. Now, I am 38 weeks pregnant and my parents will be in my city for a few months to help me with the baby and my recovery. They will be living close by and I told my husband I plan to spend the next week with them since I will be seeing them after more than a year. He said "you want to be gone an entire week. But you might go into labour anyday and then you plan to be over at their place for a month for help with recovery. Why not be with me this week." I do plan to be with my mom for recovery because he will not be taking time off work and I need help right after delivery. Mind you, he will be hardly home this entire week and I will be alone during the day with his parents. I plan to go and be with my parents this week nevethless. I am almost always home and hardly do stuff for myself ever since I got married. He is behaving normally after what he said though but I feel guilty and pressured by his response. He does everything the way he likes it: his sports, gym, family time, tv etc. while I always plan stuff around his plans. This is one incident, there are several that happen especially when I want to spend time with my side of the family. I usually give in because I don't want to disappoint him or create an emotional distance. Am I over thinking or is he controlling? Any advice?
Update: I have talked to him about why I want to be with my parents. I am writing anonymously because I have some family members on Glow as well. Just want to keep this private.
Update 2: Thank you all for your input. I love my husband very much and have gone to considerable lenghts (as in leave my career and family behind in another country) to be with him. His family is not the best at supporting and being affectionate and I hardly feel his support with things become rocky with them. He is an afferctionate husband but comes from a background where he considers that I must be a 'good' wife and daughter in law before anything, including my family time. I just want to ensure that I do not mentally get lost in this marriage and maintain a healthy balance. Thank you again.