closeted bisexual!!!

hey friends. so I've always struggled with my sexuality in the sense that I don't want to be bisexual because I don't want to disappoint my family, but for the past 3 years I've ONLY been sexually/romantically involved with girls..but I still think I'm attracted to guys. so I've pretty much accepted the fact that I'm bi lol. I've only come out to 2 of my closest friends and today I even went to a pride festival with one of my best friends (who I came out to), so I feel like I'm getting closer to completely coming out but I'm still super hesitant. I just feel like if it doesn't affect who I am then why do people need to know ya know. like, straight people don't have to announce that they're straight so why does it matter whether or not I announce that I'm bi? idk. I'd just like some opinions on if you guys think it's important for me to come out to everyone or if it's okay that I keep it to myself (besides when I'm in a relationship obviously)? 💗