
Whenever I'm with my boyfriend it's amazing but we always end up on a bad note.. before saying bye we always end up arguing and leave without saying a word to eachother and it's really getting to me, he says I'm the one who starts and we can't ever have a good day but it's hard for me  it to bring old stuff up.. what should I do? Today I was going through his phone and he had a group chat with his cousin and another number the conversation was deleted but  it from the recent deleted I seen it when he was about to leave my house and I asked him and he said it was his cousin and a girl that he doesn't know he said he didn't want to argue with me bc we had a really good day.. I said I hope you're not fucking up he said I'm not I hope you arnt either  now I'm in bed crying and overthinking if he's doing things behind my back...