Working With Boyfriend in Summer

I'm currently going to school away from home and my boyfriend is at a community college so it's kind of long distance right now. I think the distance and time apart is really good for us and our relationship but i also love having the summer to spend lots of time together. I'm looking to get a job in the summer and he was able to put in a good word for me at the Lifetime Cafe (he works at lifetime but does folding towels, cleaning lockers, and putting away weights) and now i have a job interview and i'm pretty sure they will offer me a summer job. I was just wondering if maybe working at the same place, possibly driving to work together, on top of our dates and hanging out and working out together might be too much time together and be a bad thing? Has anyone had experience with this or with going from not seeing each other often to seeing each other daily? I would love to work kind of together and see each other more, but i just want to hear some opinions.