7dpo and vvvvv low LH surge. Any hint?

Hannah • TTC #1

Im very eager to take HPT but thought of why not checking of my LH Surge instead, and it came out like a vvvvvvfl of T line. obviously am not ovulating anymore at this cycle. Had a very mild cramps and feel soo tired and sleepy these past few days. Breast kind of sensitive, but not like so sore. Got stuffy nose since around 3dpo till now, feels like my body is under the weather. My CM is feel dry as well but noticed a bit of sticky and a bit yellowish, but barely noticeable. I just don't want my hopes up and think that it is early sign of pregnancy as it still very early. Did anyone tried to take opt at their dpo and get. A vvvvvvvfl line and later on, got their BFP on HPT?