my nana found a condom wrapper in my room.

So the other day my nana wouldn't even look at me and i kept asking why and she finally said, "because i have a slut as a granddaughter, i found a fucking condom wrapper under your dresser" (i was hiding it until i could throw it away im 17) "and i also read your journal and it said, this girl is so beautiful i wish I could be with her. I cant believe it, of your gay you need to tell me so i can take you somewhere with a bunch of gay girls so you can kiss them" 😭😭😭😭😭😭i feel so humiliated im bisexual and ive had sex she acts like idk wht sex is and treats me like a 5 year old im 17. She told me never to come back to her house and never to speak to her again😭😭😭
Update-yes I did live with her