yeast infection??

Hello all!  
So I'm calling my OBGYN tomorrow and am making a Walmart run as well but I'd like personal opinions from you all! 
So I've never had a yeast infection but for the past week or so I've been itching off and on right at the transition area from outside to inside (my opening if you will). Nothing unbearable but for sure it's noticeable and I've avoided itching other than shifting in my seat.   
I was hoping it was just my body figure something out but I've noticed after showering and cleaning it's getting more irritated.  
I'm clear across the country for the next few months so no chance of going to my OB at home so I'm going to try and figure this out at home.
My theory is that because I was moving for a few months my BF and I were pretty busy and he finishes inside.  I figured with the combination of his semen messing with my pH and driving 7+ hours a day for a week to get here that everything was just resettling.  But I left March 20th and I didn't notice anything until at least the 26.  
So any who, has anyone ever experienced this or have any advice?? 
And the strangest thing is I haven't really had any discharge so I cannot go off of that.  I'm on the nuvaring.