confused. chemical pregnancy? heavy IB?

Even though, I couldnt really see that BFP til after the time frame, I had alot of symptoms. My boobs got a lot fuller(Ive breastfed three so they arent the firmest), head ache for a week(still have one), ovary cramping, cervix tingling here and there, sensitive moods, I just really was convinced(just gut feeling) then yesterday I woke up to brown blood on the tp then disappeared. Then very light pink spotting. Then sometime in the middle of the time it got way heavier. Woke up and had to change my underwear( I also had a tampon in just incase). Put a new one in and had to change it almost immediately. Followed with severe body aching and cramps( cried for an hour it hurt sooo bad) then slowed down to a regular period flow(about 5 tampons throughout the day). Now its slowing down again to the point I probably only need a panty liner. My bf isnt supportive. I cant talk to him about any of this. Thinks I am a baby for crying this morning due to pain. I havent had any clots, just bright red. Now its pink on the tp, but red on the tampon. This is NOT my normal period. Anyone have a clue whats going on?