trying to hurt me

hey guys. so i don't know what to do anymore. my father purposefully tries to make me sad/unhappy/upset and i don't know how to deal with it anymore. for example, today after i specifically told him not to do it, he went into my room when i wasn't there and cleaned out a bunch of stuff from under my bed. he knew that i told him not to, did it anyways, and then denied that i'd ever told him not to. it made me so upset that he would do that i cried for literally 3 hours. why would someone purposefully try to harm me and make me sad? talking to him about it is useless because he literally doesn't care. does anyone have any ideas on how i could get back at him/make him feel bad/make him stop? also is the fact that i cried for 3 hours because someone went through my stuff a sign of anxiety or ocd? thanks :(