
It's 4 am. The 4 month sleep regression hit us hard and my LO has been doing two hour boob checks every night for 2 weeks. Consequently she has been peeing a lot more at night. So As I'm changing her see pees and gets her onesie, sleep sack and even the bed a little. I wake my husband to look after her as I exhaustedly stumble through each room in our apartment looking for her other sleep sack. I'm very organized so I'm getting more and more upset as I go. I finally settled for her nap time swaddle even though it's not ideal for multiple reasons and come back to bed. My sweet husband, whom I purposefully never wake because he works so hard, says to me "it's gonna take a boob to get her back down." ...uh... yeah buddy. I'm aware. 
These two will be the death of me.