Appt with urologist after reversal


Hi everyone, today my husband and I went to the urologist appt regarding his low sperm count after a sperm

washing for an <a href="">iui</a> procedure we did t wind up having in March. Basically the dr gave us not great news. They are sending him to get his testosterone levels check for the very slim chance that's the cause of the lack of sperm after the reversal, but the doctor was pretty realistic that wouldn't be the cause of the such low to nonexistent sperm counts and he'll be getting another sperm analysis. The dr. Basically said our two options are 1. <a href="">Ivf</a> with a sperm retrieval or 2. Another vasectomy reversal. When asked which is a better option he said both were about the same and both don't offer guarantees. I'm so sad. <a href="">Ivf</a> isn't covered under our insurance and neither is a reversal. I was hoping for better odds and better news. Once again disappointef and heart broken. Has anyone dealt with either option and anything positive Come out of it?