I just need to vent lol

I am so aggravated with my MIL... she constantly tries telling me what to do with our baby.. today she told me I needed to stay on top of my BC (like it's any of her business) and that we didn't need to have any more kids.. (we have one) and then she tells me when to put my kid to sleep. She got ticked off because we put the baby's crib in our room since it's easier for me and the hubs. She says don't go to him when he cries. She came to MY house and said I needed to fold MY laundry.. because ya know trying to clean the house, cook for your hubby, feed your pets, breastfeed your kid, and also try to entertain her isn't a lot to do.. I love her I really do but it's like she tries to be my kids mom and she's not... she also told me I needed to stop breastfeeding. And that I didn't need to kiss my son.. and that I should talk to him like an adult and not a child. He's 5 freaking months old. Shew lord give me strength