Anyone else see a line or do I have "line eyes"?

Hello! I am 19 DPO and 9 days late. This is not my first time taking a hpt. I waited the 3 minutes and set a timer to make sure I was within the time. I tried to edit it and I see a line but I don't have a way to edit it differently. Both myself and my husband can see a very faint line. I took this at 7 days late. I'm planning on retesting at 14 days late as I could've ovulated earlier or late. My periods are regular on a 28 day cycle. Feel free to tweak the photos below in the comments. 
I had what appeared to be implantation bleeding for one day (pinkish color when wiping just once) and then it stopped. Tested with FR and saw a vvfl. Retesting in 5 days.. Fingers crossed/prayers it turns to be a BFP