Why does my baby do this...

My baby throws fits when I nurse her. I always nurse her to sleep and as soon as I see signs that she's getting tired during the day we go to her rocking chair to nurse and before I even sit down with her she's already started to cry. Once I get her on my boob she's fine but only eats for a minute then pulls off and throws herself away and cries. I try to put her back on my boob but she doesn't want it so I pick her up and rock her and burp her and try to calm her down but she usually won't stop crying. So then back to my boob she goes and now she'll calm right down and eat again but only for another minute until the whole thing repeats usually 3 more times just like that until she'll eventually fall asleep nursing. I can't figure out what she wants/what's going on. It's almost like she's fighting sleep and just wants to cry about being tired? I don't have a fast/overactive let down. Any ideas??