Please please help! These were taken 3-4days ago, any tests ive taken since havent been near as strong.. I still have 7 days until my period should I be worried? The test from this morning was only a faint line, still there but faint... is that normal?


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The ones from earlier


Mi • Apr 6, 2017
Thank you Monica I really appreciate it :)


Monica • Apr 6, 2017
It's definitely still there. I would wait until you actually miss your period to test again. And make sure you are testing first thing in the morning. But congrats!


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Do you have some more of the recent tests photos? You're definitely prego. I can't believe you even got this strong of positives 7 days before! Congrats!


Mi • Apr 6, 2017
Thank you! I couldnt believe it either, my last cycle was March 16 and these were April 3rd at 2am. Ill comment the pictures of the other test last night/ this morning