Clomid and OPKs

Jenn • 34. Married since 08-24-2013. MC 2015/04. D&C 2015/07. EP and loss of RT 2016/02. Still trying.....
A little background - I'm on my first round of clomid (50mg) after being treated for a prolactinoma that was preventing me from ovulating. 3 years TTC = 2 miscarriages + 1 ectopic resulting in loss of right tube. The clomid was recommended by the fertility clinic to "restart" my ovulation after the prolactinoma and to hopefully ensure I ovulate on my good side. 
Now onto today's question. Previously whenever I was ovulating and taking OPKs (and testing daily) I would get one test with an obvious surge, around CD 18-19. What I'm seeing in my recent testing is what appears to be a surge on CD17, then a drop on CD18, and another surge on CD19. I know that clomid can make you release more eggs (hello multiples!) is it possible to have more than one peak day on clomid? Maybe due to multiple release of eggs?