What type of cm is this?

Pauline • 🌻pcos🌻ttc2🌻20🌻preemie mom🌻
I'm 3days post ovulation, I've noticed I feel "weter" than normal, it feels like water. So I figured I'd check my cervix its low hard and closed 100%. I ovulated cd13-15 (ovulation test say so. My bbt is 98.3-98.6 the last few days. I'm on CD 18 now. This how no oder its kinda stretchy but not a lot. But this was what was on my finger after checking cervix. In the out side it looks like no color one of my pictures is of this same discharge just spread out and it looses its color... What kinda cm is this could his be a good sign? I am so nervous I've been trying for 10months now for #2 I have pcos