Resources for Rape Victim?

September 2016, just over six months ago I was sexually assaulted by someone I had just met at a party.
This January, I survived a physical violent attack from my ex-boyfriend, who bit me and choked me. He was a schizophrenic who had no reason for this and no recollection to this day of the event. 
I can't seem to get back onto my feet. I live every day wondering what the old me would have felt at the moment or how a happy person would act. I want to be normal, I refuse to let these leeches suck the livihood and vigor from my life. I refuse to let their weakness be detrimental to my happiness. I refuse to be damaged by the pestilent venom that oozes from their pores.
I can't afford to see a therapist, what free resources are there for rape and physical assault survivors?