anyone else know what I'm talking about?

So I just went to the gyno because of a yeast infection, and she said I have a bacterial infection called Urea Plasma. Has anyone heard of this before? I've never heard of it before this.  It's an unhealthy bacteria that causes recurring yeast infections in women and small infections in men. It can be cured with a certain antibiotic (I took one called Doxycycline) I had to get my boyfriend tested as well, because it can be passed between partners. IT IS NOT AN STD! But when my boyfriend went to his primary doctor, he had no idea what it was, and wrote it off as such, so he had to go to another doctor to get the antibiotic. 
A lot of doctors aren't aware of this bacteria, they just write it off as a yeast infection or STD.  A normal antibiotic or monistat treatment will not get rid of it. 
I'm writing this to see if any other women have experienced this, and also trying to spread awareness of it.