broken hearted

Sybil • Hello ladies! I have 2 kids stepdaughter(11) and son(4). My husband and I are in the military and are TTC baby #2
After my BFP over the weekend I had experienced light cramping but the pain was different so took myself in to see what the pain was turned out I was ok and had a follow up today with my OB well this afternoon he took the pregnancy test (urine) and it was negative he order some labs and scheduled an ultrasound for next week. I'm at a lost for words on how to tell my husband what's going on. I feel that I have failed at conceiving after our last MC. Everything stopped once he told me my pregnancy test came back negative. Trying to stay hopeful that our little rainbow baby is snuggling away inside and isn't ready to be seen just yet. I don't feel that AF is going to show and haven't had signs of her showing. Prayers and baby dust ladies.