Any of my fellow June 2017 moms having this issue?

Leah Margaret • 3 children to adore, and adding one more! My fiancé Craig and I are expecting pink bows on 06/04! 🎀
Are there any of my lovely moms who are due in June like I am (06/04/17, although as my 4th I expect her to be a May baby. I KNOW she will be a May baby) experiencing bad swelling? For weeks I had just what would be considered normal: some ankle/feet and finger swelling. Then over the past few days the swelling has gone from those places to right under my knee (both feet/toes/ankles and calves) as well as the swelling that was just my fingers has now spread to include my hands and my wrists. The swelling of my hands and upper extremities seems to go down quicker than my calves and below. My mother in law also mentioned that my face has looked puffy and swollen just recently and I've noticed my neck also has had some slight swelling. (Everything outside the face and neck has been extreme). I've had edema before but I never had any pitting with the swelling. Now I can push onto my ankle and leave an imprint that takes FOREVER to go away (I will post a picture). I am not at risk for preeclampsia as my BP has stayed in the low range of a normal (low) 90/60. Unfortunately I also have a high heart rate of a normal 100 BPM. I have let my doctor know and even called the on call doctor over the weekend (and for some reason for the first time in ANY of my pregnancies, as well as the first time EVWR) but did not get a return call. I monitor my own BP because of how low it can get and it is still in it's normal range. I elevate my legs and the swelling does go down, but as soon as I begin to walk or move around the swelling returns with a vengeance. It is painful, pitting (as I said), and after a short period of time i also start to experience the pins-and-needles sensation as if my feet had fallen asleep when that is not the case. When that feeling happens walking is incredibly painful. I have also been extremely tired, feeling like I constantly have a full bladder, etc. Yet even when my bladder truly is full I can not empty it completely. I have had kidney issues in the past but none during pregnancy. I also suffer from constipstion. In order to empty my bladder completely I have to squat over the toilet with my upper half bent down to relieve the pressure of her being so low in my pelvis at this time. She has t dropped completely, I'm still having a lot of trouble catching my breath and so on. This is my 4th pregnancy. I have 2 boys and 1 girl with another little girl on the way. I am 32+1 weeks along. I also have not yet had my glucose test done as my car has broken down and is currently being fixed. Could GD be a possible contributing factor to all of this? Have/are any of my fellow June mommies have this issue (mainly the passing of urine and swelling with pitting being the biggest issues)? If so how did you keep your feet and lower extremities especially from swelling? I am wearing loose socks and my don't care how they look, falling apart, slightly big boots. I just need some reassurance. Thank you so much. ❤